it was then i noticed she had opened my online friend's blog (possum of and found out that i was one of the featured pets of the week. now, i don't quite understand that, since regina is MY PET. and there is no picture of her on there anywhere. either way, i HAVE become famous, and, though already a STAR, i have now gained notoriety. i would like to thank my friend possum for thinking so highly of me as to put me into his blog. and i also appreciate being considered possum's "SENTIMENTAL FAVORITE".
BUT...................i have to take issue with my ranking in sequence. my spotlight is preceded by 2 other felines, 3 canines, and embarrassingly enough, a jackarse. can you believe it???? a four legged backside. sheeeeeesh, possum. what were you thinking, hon???
anyway, be that as it may, i am still honored to be among possum's friends, and to be featured on his blog. oh, and possum, um, i am a FEMALE, not male, as you so erroneously listed me on your blog.................but i forgive you..........THIS TIME!
here is the posting on possum's blog:
My sentimental favorite of today's pics was sent to me by Regina who is the pet of Coatie. I normally rely on my exceptional wit to enhance my journal posts, but the email I received from Regina far exceeds what I could have written in it's stead. Here's Regina's note:
This is my 7 year old female cat, Coatie, who is part Russian Blue and part traveling salesman. she is a foundling, found when she was around 3 months old. I am her human, and my name is Regina. We both reside in the wonderful city of McDonough in the more wonderful southern state of Georgia. During the winter months, she sleeps on a heating pad while i hide under loads of cover in an unheated room. She is the princess of all princesses
Regina says Coatie is yawning in this pic, but being a cat myself (and a handsome one at that) I believe Coatie is just preparing for his morning meows which sends human pets scurrying around the house looking for food and other items that might please us. Please stop by and visit Coatie and Regina who pens the journal "A Page Unturned" You can visit her by clicking the link below.
please come back again sometime, and sit and visit with me. we will share some catnip and tuna, or maybe even salmon.
Now that you are a star can you talk your human into posting a picture of herself?